• To Pee Or Not To Pee (2025 Remaster)  (MP4) - Ginger


Collecting Ginger and her boyfriend Viktor from the bus station, she has done as requested and arrived with an uncomfortably-full bladder. She then faces a 30-minute drive, and in what is half-desperation, half play-acting, she makes a dash for the front door and dances around as she waits for someone to unlock it. Once inside, Ginger is directed to the kitchen and asked to hold on for a further hour for extra money. The question she asks herself is, of course, to pee or not to pee. She decides to hold it, and after we get her to change into jeans so that any leaking will be visible, she sets about waiting and watching the clock. The movie covers the highlights of this wait, and I'm happy to report that she started leaking five minutes before the deadline, and soaked herself with just a few minutes to go. There were a few nasty moments when I actually thought she might make it. Several minutes are devoted to filming Ginger's wet jeans at the end.

30 minutes 52 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,709.8 MB

To Pee Or Not To Pee (2025 Remaster) (MP4) - Ginger

  • $7.99