• Autumn Helps Keri Wait (MP4) - Keri Spectrum and Autumn Bodell

Autumn introduces Keri to holding her pee as she tries on outfits for her day's shoot. An old hand at this game, Autumn encourages Keri to keep waiting. Keri seems fairly relaxed at first but this quickly changes because she has loaded up on a lot of liquid in the previous three hours, and she soon struggles on the brink of wetting herself. Autumn tells her to keep holding it and she does try, but the urge to go is very powerful. When Keri loses control, a lot of pee comes out of her in a fast and furious stream. It's her first time doing this in front of a camera and she seems quite embarrassed.

27 minutes 52 seconds - 1280x720 pixels - MP4: 1,284.4MB

Autumn Helps Keri Wait (MP4) - Keri Spectrum and Autumn Bodell

  • $9.99

Tags: bound2burst, female desperation, pee, wetting