• Robbed Remastered (MP4) - Beverly Bacci


Beverly is arriving home with a bursting bladder. Before she can get out of her car, she is held up and robbed. The thief makes her handcuff herself to the steering wheel. Struggling not to wet on her dress, not to mention the car seat, Beverly tries to reach her cellphone to call for help. As her desperation increases she even considers urinating into an orange juice bottle, but it's a difficult thing to do, especially with one's hands cuffed to a steering wheel. With her bladder ready to explode Beverly is running out of time to find a try solution to her problem.

17 minutes 27 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 966.5 MB

Robbed Remastered (MP4) - Beverly Bacci

  • $5.99